About company

About company

Performs pre-design, comprehensive design and survey, design and research work for the construction and reconstruction of mining, metallurgical, mechanical engineering, instrument-making and other enterprises in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the CIS countries. The competitive advantage of the institute is its impeccable business reputation, earned by the high quality of projects, as exemplified by the constructed facilities of the State Enterprise "Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine" and JSC "Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine", as well as the ability to develop comprehensive projects in all parts.


1. Creation and implementation of competitive scientific and technical products for mining facilities for the extraction and processing of gold-bearing, uranium, phosphorite and non-ferrous metal ores, installations for the decontamination and disposal of toxic waste, including landfills for the disposal of radioactive waste, tailings, industrial waste storage facilities, standards for maximum permissible emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere on the territory of the republic

2. Development of pre-project and design and survey documentation for mining and metallurgical enterprises for the extraction and processing of ore minerals, primarily precious and non-ferrous metals, as well as uranium

3. Monitoring the introduction of high-tech equipment and modern technologies in the mining and metallurgical industry, assessing their production, technical and financial economic indicators

4. Development of effective design solutions in the field of integrated development of deposits with complex mining and geological conditions based on the analysis of the achievements of world science and practice

5. Conducting applied and innovative research and development work in the field of technology for the extraction and complex processing of mineral raw materials, taking into account the maximum extraction of the main and associated valuable components

6. Conducting author's supervision of the full and high-quality implementation of design solutions provided for in investment projects of mining and metallurgical plants of the Republic

Objects built on the projects of "O’zGEORANGMETLITI"

The subject of the Company's main activity is the implementation of a complex of design, survey and experimental laboratory work on high-risk and potentially hazardous production facilities

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